Open your Proteus software and make a search for Arduino Pro Mini. Now, after getting the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus files and placing it properly in your Proteus software.If you are using Proteus 7 or 8 Professional, then you should have a look at How to add new Library in Proteus 8 Professional.So download these two files and place it in the libraries folder of your Proteus software.Now when you click it, you will get a zip file so extract this zip file and you will get two files named as ArduinoProMiniTEP.LIB and ArduinoProMiniTEP.IDX.First of all, download the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus by clicking the below button.

You can download this complete Arduino Library by checking Arduino Library for Proteus. This library contains six Arduino boards which are Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega 2560, Arduino Mega 1280, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mini and Arduino Pro Mini. I have added all the Arduino boards in a single library. So, now let's get started with this new Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus. You can download this library freely from the link below and can now simulate your circuits quite easily. I am quite proud that our blog is sharing this library for the first time. You won't find the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus anywhere. So, in today's tutorial, I am gonna share the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus, which is the first library ever made for this board.

It doesn't have the programmer on it so if you need to program it you have to use some TTL to Serial converter or you can also use Arduino UNO board in order to burn programming code in it. Arduino Pro Mini is even more smaller than Arduino Nano board. Arduino Pro Mini is another Arduino board which also uses the same Atmega328 Microcontroller and has almost the same number of pins as Arduino UNO and Arduino Nano. Recently, I have shared Arduino Nano Library for Proteus, and before that I have also posted Arduino UNO Library for Proteus as well as Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus, and now I am gonna share Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus.

In today's post, I am gonna share Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus. Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Update: We have created a new version of this library, which you can check here: Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0.